ANSA IV 1820

3D Model



No illustrations available for this object.

Illustration Panel

Folder name KHM-ANSA-IV1820
Collection Antikensammlung (ANSA), Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (KHM)
ID Inv. Nr. ANSA IV 1820
Shape Cypro-jug
Components: one handle
Period Cypro Geometric III (7), Cypro Archaic I (4)
Object dating 90
Provenance Finding spot: Idalion, Cyprus
Production center: Cyprus
Latest acquisition:
Culture Cypriote
Material Material: clay
Fabric (BAPD): Cypriote
Technique Painting style/technique: Black on Red I (III)-II (IV)
Painting sub technique:
Bibliographic Reference ÖAW (ed.) (2019). Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum - Österreich, Band: 7. Wien, KHM - Band 6. 'Bronzezeitliche und eisenzeitliche Gefäße aus Zypern. Attisch geometrische und protoattische Gefäße'. Vienna: VÖAW. Pl.63, 5-8
Collection reference

Weight (g) 75.000
Height (mm) 98.128
Width (mm) 61.580
Length (mm) 61.741
Max. Filling Height (mm) 97.220
Max. Filling Volume (cm3)
Material Volume (cm3)
Material Density (g/cm3)
Bounding Box (cm3) 373.084

3D Models
Location: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (KHM) (indoors)
By: Markus Diem (CVL, TU Wien)
Technique: 3D laser scanning
Hardware: Konica Minolta VIVID 9i
Characteristics: nan | 640 x 480 pixels | nan
Texture: 3D scanner | colour | 640 x 480 pixels
Software: nan
Alignment & Merging By:
Software: nan
Post-Processing By: Stefan Spelitz (IKAnt-ÖAW), Vera Moitinho de Almeida (IKAnt-ÖAW)
Software: Geomagic Studio 12.0.0 (2010), 3D Systems
Actions: Base plane of 3D model aligned to XZ plane; 3D model oriented; Mesh auto-repaired (non-manifold edges, self-intersections, small components, small tunnels)
Resulting file: KHM-ANSA-IV1820_3D01.ply
Low Resolution Post-Processing By: Stefan Spelitz (IKAnt-ÖAW), Vera Moitinho de Almeida (IKAnt-ÖAW)
Software: Geomagic Studio 12.0.0 (2010), 3D Systems
Actions: Mesh fixed (non-manifold edges, self-intersections, small components, small tunnels, highly creased edges, spikes, small holes) and decimated; Smoothness: medium
Resulting file: KHM-ANSA-IV1820_3D02.ply

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