ANSA IV 1544

3D Model



Illustration Panel

Folder name KHM-ANSA-IV1544
Collection Antikensammlung (ANSA), Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (KHM)
ID Inv. Nr. ANSA IV 1544
Shape Jug, Trefoil
Components: one handle
Period Cypro Archaic I (4)
Object dating 79
Provenance Finding spot: Cyprus
Production center: Cyprus
Latest acquisition: Madrid, Spain
Culture Cypriote
Material Material: clay
Fabric (BAPD): Cypriote
Technique Painting style/technique: Black on Red II (IV)
Painting sub technique:
Bibliographic Reference ÖAW (ed.) (2019). Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum - Österreich, Band: 7. Wien, KHM - Band 6. 'Bronzezeitliche und eisenzeitliche Gefäße aus Zypern. Attisch geometrische und protoattische Gefäße'. Vienna: VÖAW. Pl.67, 5-8
Collection reference

Weight (g) 45.000
Height (mm) 75.163
Width (mm) 50.398
Length (mm) 47.023
Max. Filling Height (mm) 70.310
Max. Filling Volume (cm3) 53.007
Material Volume (cm3) 30.163
Material Density (g/cm3) 1.492 - estimated (from IV 4522)
Bounding Box (cm3) 178.127

3D Models
Location: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (KHM) (indoors)
By: Markus Diem (CVL, TU Wien)
Technique: 3D laser scanning
Hardware: Konica Minolta VIVID 9i
Characteristics: nan | 640 x 480 pixels | nan
Texture: 3D scanner | colour | 640 x 480 pixels
Software: nan
Alignment & Merging By:
Software: nan
Post-Processing By: Stefan Spelitz (IKAnt-ÖAW)
Software: Geomagic Studio 12.0.0 (2010), 3D Systems
Actions: Base plane of 3D model aligned to XZ plane; 3D model oriented; Mesh auto-repaired (non-manifold edges, self-intersections, small components, small tunnels)
Resulting file: KHM-ANSA-IV1544_3D01.ply
Low Resolution Post-Processing By: Stefan Spelitz (IKAnt-ÖAW)
Software: Geomagic Studio 12.0.0 (2010), 3D Systems
Actions: Mesh fixed (non-manifold edges, self-intersections, small components, small tunnels, highly creased edges, spikes, small holes) and decimated; Smoothness: medium
Resulting file: KHM-ANSA-IV1544_3D02.ply

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